Interior and Exterior Commercial Doors

Restaurant’s front door

What’s better than a cleaver to open the monumental front door of The Butcher’s Block in Long Branch, New Jersey. One part of this project was designing and installing the Restaurant’s front door. After Dori Doors designed and installed the front door, Dori Doors felt that the main entrance of the restaurant needed the WOW effect every time a guest arrives to the place and opens the door; after all this is the first impression and the beginning of a great experience that you will have at The Butcher’s Block. The result is a custom handle designed to complement the entire concept of the place.

At Dori Doors, we craft custom doors but we also go one step further. From special door restorations, custom hardware design, design and installation of specialized security for doors, to projects that are not only the door but complement the overall. Our special projects are the result to think out of the box and proposed unique and custom ideas to our client, taking their projects to the next level.

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